This property at
210 3RD AVE N (MLS # 826563) is categorized as
Residential Homes for Sale situated in
Hospers, IA. This Residential property is listed on RE/MAX Experience with a price of $249,000. This
3 bedroom property in Hospers at 210 3RD AVE N has 1400 sqft with 2 bathrooms and was built on 1900. Whether you are searching for
new listings in Hospers or just searching for 210 3RD AVE N specifically, you will find all of the market statistics and community information you need.
To learn about the difference between 210 3RD AVE N and other properties around Surrounding Areas/Other Areas, just call RE/MAX Lakes Realty, home of the Iowa Great Lakes premier website, RE/MAX Experience. Our real estate team will be happy to help you with your real estate home search in and around Hospers, IA.