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It is Miracle Miracle Homes month nationwide at RE/MAX. Did you know that a portion of all the Carlson Group's closings are donated to help kids in Sioux City and the Siouxland community at St. Luke's Unity Point? Learn more about how your home can be a MIRACLE HOME! Check out the Siouxland Magazine link to learn more about how you can impact children in need right here in Sioux City, IA!
Looking for family fun or a place to get your work out on? The Le Mars YMCA located at 241 12th Street SE offers more than just a gym! They have many classes to choose from whether it's for kiddos or yourself! You're sure to find a sport or activity such as basketball, aquatics, Zumba, Pilates or a full body workout, this is the spot for pure family fun! Also, don't miss out on how you can give back by donating throughout the year with their Blood Drive. The Life Serve Blood Center and the Le Mars YMCA have a schedule on the website you can check out and see how you can help save a life!
When it comes to getting that extra boost of energy, my go-to spot in Sioux City is the aesthetically pleasing Stone Bru. I love an outstanding local business. It’s not only a great environment for getting work done, but it is also an exceptional place to converse with others. It has been a safe place for me to break up my day and allows me to keep my workflow strong. Click the link for more information on their locations and store hours!
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